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LlamaLord Gaming Community

Public Profile

The members and administrators of the LlamaLord Gaming Community strive to create a positive environment for gamers. Our TeamSpeak server is home to gamers of all ages who wish to have fun, make friends, and kick ass. Rainbow Six Siege is the most popular game within our community, and we take pride in the separation of fun casual matches and competitive ranked matches. Although the majority of our members are RS6 players, our members also invest time into games such as Battlefield 1, Dota 2, ArmA 3, Rust, and Rocket League, Battlegrounds and a few more. Our community has continued to grow since its creation, and we would be more than happy to have you on the server. Thanks for reading, and please make it a great day!
Squad CreatorLlamaLord LLG
Registered Since03/04/2017
Total Members9
Prefered Combat Style
Prefered Game
DiscordTeamspeak - ts.llamalord.com

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LlamaLord LLGOwner01/01/70 01:00:00
johnebchiefPlayer03/04/17 11:46:00
Hungry_PandaPlayer03/04/17 11:47:22
Zeus.LLGPlayer03/04/17 11:54:02
Mad_Sloth12Player03/04/17 11:54:32
CrackerSushiPlayer23/04/17 09:30:16
AgentSix.LLGPlayer25/04/17 05:32:04
BerkPlayer07/05/17 12:59:45
umairmala99Player09/09/17 04:17:53


346 weeks 14 hours 2 minutes ago umairmala99 joined squad [LLG] LlamaLord Gaming Community
363 weeks 6 days 17 hours 20 minutes ago Berk joined squad [LLG] LlamaLord Gaming Community
365 weeks 4 days 12 hours 48 minutes ago AgentSix.LLG joined squad [LLG] LlamaLord Gaming Community
365 weeks 5 days 10 hours 5 minutes ago Cre4t0r Gaming left squad [LLG] LlamaLord Gaming Community
365 weeks 5 days 10 hours 5 minutes ago Cre4t0r Gaming joined squad [LLG] LlamaLord Gaming Community
365 weeks 6 days 20 hours 50 minutes ago CrackerSushi joined squad [LLG] LlamaLord Gaming Community
368 weeks 5 days 6 hours 26 minutes ago Mad_Sloth12 joined squad [LLG] LlamaLord Gaming Community
368 weeks 5 days 6 hours 26 minutes ago Zeus.LLG joined squad [LLG] LlamaLord Gaming Community
368 weeks 5 days 6 hours 33 minutes ago Hungry_Panda joined squad [LLG] LlamaLord Gaming Community
368 weeks 5 days 6 hours 34 minutes ago johnebchief joined squad [LLG] LlamaLord Gaming Community
368 weeks 5 days 6 hours 38 minutes ago LlamaLord LLG modified squad [LLG] LlamaLord Gaming Community
368 weeks 5 days 6 hours 40 minutes ago LlamaLord LLG modified squad [LLG] LlamaLord Gaming Community
368 weeks 5 days 6 hours 40 minutes ago LlamaLord LLG modified squad [LLG] LlamaLord Gaming Community
368 weeks 5 days 6 hours 41 minutes ago LlamaLord LLG created squad [LLG] LlamaLord Gaming Community
